Saturday, January 12, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  As 2013 begins, I have said goodbye to 2012 and all the uncertainty that came with it.  I cannot be sure, but I would like to think that 2013 is the year for many things positive.  First and foremost remains getting a permanent teaching job.  I love being the go-to substitute teacher, but even that after a while gets tiring.  I am not going to dwell on expectations and what may or may not be.  Rather, I approach this year with the simple idea that I am grateful for my life and that I am surrounded by love and friendship.
It has been nine months since my last post and while many people are up to date with my life through Facebook, I feel that occasional blog updates, would only add to what you know about the life of Anna.  My life of course is not as exciting as it was when I started this blog almost two years ago, but I will try and be entertaining, nonetheless.  For awhile I pondered changing the name of my blog, but after giving it a lot of thought, I decided not to.  While it does not quite go along with the feminist opinions I have, I came to the conclusion that while not currently abroad, I am in fact a broad (as in female),
When I last wrote I had wrapped up one long term sub job and just started another one.  2012 ended with a third.  For ten weeks, I taught 9th and 10th grade English.  As always it was a great experience and I met some amazing students and people.  To every positive of a long term gig, there is a negative.  While it gives me stability for a little while (I am not online every night looking for a next day job), it also eventually has to come to an end :)  It was a great way to end the year though!
I guess I should be fortunate to keep busy with day to day subbing, but it is not the same.  My teaching license is up for renewal in June and that means it has been five years since I first was licensed...five years of for the most part substitute teaching.  Not exactly where I saw myself.  Several people have asked me if I would consider looking into another field/line of work.  In all honesty I would have no idea what to do.  I was 29 years old when I came to the conclusion that I wanted to be a teacher.  Maybe if anyone has any thoughts/suggestions/ideas, let me know.
I am looking forward to my upcoming trip to Washington DC.  I leave in a week and am gone for nine days.  Like four years ago, the purpose of my trip is for the inauguration.  While I do not expect this one to be such a populated event, I am excited to again attend and be there with people from all over.  Yes, if you did not know it, I remain I big Obama supporter :)  I will try and post at least once during my trip.  That gives me a reason to write again sooner rather than later.  Call it motivation if you will!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

It isn't a full time job...but it will do...for now!

Again way too much time has passed since I last wrote and all things considered I think that my life is not that boring.  Sure I am not overseas seeking adventure after adventure, but life is as exciting as you make it.  Right?  With that being said, here is a recap of the life of Anna since I last wrote.  I continued keeping busy with day to day subbing and then two opportunities came my way literally at the same time.  Last week I wrapped up a three week long term sub gig and then right away this week started a five week job.  Granted neither of them mean full time work, but I will take long term for now, since it means I do not have to look for a job day after day.  Besides one always hopes that new doors are opened through these experiences and maybe (who knows) there may be an eventual full time job.
The first job was at LEAP High School in St. Paul.  I taught US History, US Government and Human Geography.  The students are new arrivals to the country or have limited English skills.  It was a great environment and I loved the students.  They were all so eager to learn and I hated to leave them.  I am in the middle of my first week at Cedar/Burnsville Alternative Learning Center.  This is the alternative high school I did a two month long term sub job at a few years ago.  I enjoy the school, staff and students.  It is a trek every day (35-40 minutes) each way, but the things we do for a long term job :)  I am teaching World History ad Economics, so these two jobs are in my area of Social Studies.  The two long-term sub jobs I did a few years ago were in English, so at least I continue gaining experience in both of my licensed areas.  I have also applied to teach summer school, so fingers crossed.  I could certainly use the income.
I am not one to talk about the weather, but....oh who I am kidding I always talk about the weather :)  Usually it is about me complaining about how cold it is or as was the case in Bahrain last year, how warm it was and how much I loved it.  We had a very mild winter in Minnesota this year, so I did not actually have a lot of opportunity to complain.  After a very warm March the temperatures have gotten cold again.  I was wearing shorts on St. Patrick's Day and my birthday.  To think last year I gloated because I went swimming on my birthday (a rarity), while this year it would have been possible in Minnesota.  Very unusual to say the least.  Of course we are now paying for the nice March weather as April as been quite chilly and cold.
Not a day goes by when I do not think about what I was doing a year ago.  So many great memories certainly.  My five photo albums of my time in Bahrain get looked at a lot. I am also grateful for Facebook, as it allows me to keep in touch with everyone.  I just think it is crazy how quickly time passes.  My niece Skyler will be wrapping up kindergarten soon and I refuse to imagine her being a first grader.  It just seems wrong.  Of course for the first time since turning 30, I finally acknowledged my age.  Previously it was thirty again, thirty again again etc.  This year I straight out said I was 34.....which I think was a big step for me.  You are only as old as you feel right?  Age is merely a number.
I know that the next five weeks will fly by and while I may not write before then, I will afterwards.  I guarantee many exciting things will happen during that time...or not. Still I know it makes you feel better knowing that at some point I will write again.  Nothing quite like the exciting life of Anna in a blog to complete your day. :) With that being said have a great day everyone!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

One Year Ago....Bahrain!

One year ago I was settling into life in Bahrain.  I was meeting new people and teaching 7th grade.  I had my own classroom, which I remember being funny because I only had to travel across the world to get it.  Of course I could write about what you have already heard...the experience was amazing, it changed my life etc...  I could also dwell on the fact that we know I have regretted not going back for another year since life continues to be sub, sub, sub. 
While I miss everyone there and remember them all the time, I have been particularly nostalgic lately since it was a year ago that the adventure began.  I simply looked at it as an amazing opportunity to get abroad again and to teach.  Who knew that I would end up in the middle of history being made and what is now being referred to as the Arab Spring.  As the anniversary of political unrest approaches, I simply try and remain positive and hope and pray that there is some sort of compromise and peace reached.  Of course as someone who lived in Jerusalem for nine years, I tend to understand (sadly) that concept is very far fetched and out of reach.  Although I keep hoping. 
Anyway, I am pretty much writing this entry to remind myself what an amazing time I had starting a year ago.  I apologize if what I am writing is a bit repetitive, but get over it :)  Seriously, I do thank everyone who reads my blog.  This entry is brief, but important to me because I want to let everyone in Bahrain know how much I miss them and still to this day remember the impact that they had in/on my life. Thank you to my friends and students in Bahrain.  I have no idea what the future holds, but as I continue looking for a teaching job, I can only hope that I am blessed with such amazing co-workers and students. Thank you.
"Life's truest happiness is found in friendships we make along  the way" -Anonymous

Monday, January 30, 2012

2012...what happened to 2011?

It is crazy to think that 2011 became 2012.  Where does the time go?  I am writing this three months or so after my last entry (which yes, was in 2011).  One would think people do not care, but there are a few out there who have told me to keep blogging.  To those nameless people, thank you for the interest.  My life is certainly not as exciting as it was when I started this blog, yet I will try and make it worth reading.  I suppose I should start with a brief update on life since I last wrote.  When I last wrote in October, the weather was still nice and the leaves were falling.  While summer is by far my favorite season, I will take Autumn over Winter any day.  Do not worry, I will not make this entry all about how much I hate Winter.  I know everyone knows that already :)
In November I ventured to Florida for eight days.  The main reason was to attend a wedding in Tallahassee.  I have known the bride since she was born and used to babysit her.  That in itself seemed a little weird, but then again we all grow up and older.  It was great seeing people from my Jerusalem days and who doesn't love a good wedding?  Of course in true Bergman fashion, I was able to spend four of those days at Disney.  What I love about going in the Fall is getting to enjoy the International Food and Wine Festival at EPCOT.  Love it!
The Christmas season arrived and in the Bergman house we pretty much just wrapped it up a week ago.  We have continued traditions from our time in Jerusalem  and celebrate Christmas on December 25th, as well as Ethiopian, Orthodox and Armenian through the month of January.  We are just starting to undeck the halls so to speak.  I love watching Skyler, Hunter and Tristan open their presents, but I also have to admit I miss the days when it was just adults taking turns opening presents one by one.  Although this year, we finally got smart....we let the kids open all their presents and then turned on a movie for them while the adults opened theirs :)
I continue subbing and for the most part am keeping busy.  Some days there are just no jobs and I try to be productive doing other things, rather than get depressed about the lack of income that day.  On an exciting more positive note, I was accepted to benefit from MN Care!!!  Finally after a year without health insurance, I qualified for state health insurance.  I won't give you exact numbers, but let me just say I am paying $300 less a month, then I was before going to Bahrain.  Needless to say I am very happy!  I still miss Bahrain and the people I met there, some days more than others.  I will write more about those thoughts and memories in the next entry as it is almost a year since I started that adventure.
What else?  I was recently re-elected onto the church council and elected secretary.  I got my nose pierced in November.  As 2011 became 2012 I did not put a lot of stress on myself regarding resolutions this year.  In the past it has always been along the lines of get a job and a boyfriend.  I chose the more realistic and comedic route this year.  Besides aiming to blog more, it is my goal to write on the wall of all my Facebook friends and get in touch again.  I also said I would be less sarcastic...well if you know me, I failed at that one right away :)  So, thanks for reading (and caring...or at least pretend to)...will write more sooner than you think. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Not Just One Piece of Gum

The school year is well underway and I cannot believe it is the middle of October already.  I am keeping busy subbing and while it is not a job and my own classroom, I am pretty much getting a job everyday, so at least there is some sort of income coming in. You may or may not be wondering what's with the title of this entry.  Well let me tell you...and it is okay to laugh.  I am now even though I wasn't at the time.  In the three years I have been subbing, I have never hated it or dreaded moving from school to school.  Then a couple of weeks ago, there was a day that will forever stand out.  I was subbing at a school I was familiar with for a teacher I have subbed for before.  Of course new school year, means new students.  Granted it was in a special education classroom, but as many of you know I have a history with/in special ed and I do not mind it at all.  Most of the time I enjoy it.  Anyway, middle of the day I am moving around in the chair and am getting stuck on something.  I briefly thought it was the velcro pieces on my jacket getting caught on my such luck.  Stood up only to find blue gum all over the chair, my jacket and my pants!!!  No way this was just one piece of gum!  It was all over and here I am freaking out as I realise how bad the situation is and looking ahead to how I would make it through the rest of the day.  Of course there was no way of knowing which student did it....none were behind the desk, but many were close to it and I figure it was tossed and landed somewhere on the chair and then spread itself around. 
Okay, so I was pissed!  I called the office and again even though there was no way to ID the culprit I wanted the incident made aware of.  There was no way I would make it to the end of the day in the I took the prep hour (which fortunately was next) and drove home.  Not what I would have liked to do, but necessary nonetheless. I dreaded going home at the end of day thinking of how I was going to get the gum out.  Long story short...I was able to get the gum out of my nylon jacket...but my pants were not so fortunate. While it does not make up for ruined pants, it was a nice surprise to get a stack of apology letters from students in the class.  I have told the teacher that I will also sub for her again.  Like I said, now I am laughing, but I certainly was not then.  Just another day in the life of a sub...or not :)
Anyway, it is almost Halloween and as most of you probably know it is one of my favorite holiday's.  Not sure what my costume will be yet, but I am busy pondering.  Besides keeping busy subbing I have been a soccer auntie of sorts...going on Saturday mornings to watch Skyler and Hunter kick the ball around.  Alas, I fear neither of them are destined to be soccer players, but it was fun to let them try it out for five weeks.  I am proud to say that my dramatic influence continues to rub off on my niece.  one week after soccer, most of which she was in tears, she turned to me and said "Auntie, I just want to be dramatic!"  I for sure am looking into those acting classes for her.
I attended my 15-year high school reunion a few weeks ago.  I was a little apprehensive, but was very glad I went in the end.  It was great seeing people and catching up.  I keep wondering where the time has gone?  I subbed at my old high school earlier this week and the students are always intrigued to learn that I graduated from there.  Of course the reality is that many of the freshmen were born the year I graduated.  Ahhhh!  That seems crazy and unreal :)  Basically I am just trying to take life one day at a time.  There are still the moments of regret that I am here and not in Bahrain, but life goes on.  I am trying to tolerate the weather as it gets colder, but I would be lying if I said I have not complained yet.  Not looking forward to winter, but of course that is nothing new.  I hope that there are still some readers out there who find my life somewhat exciting and worth reading about it.  If that is the case, I will continue blogging for those friends who are far away.  Miss you all!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Summer in Review

I will try and make this entry more upbeat then the last one :)  By the time I returned to Minnesota on July 1st, summer had arrived and was well underway.  I jumped right into Auntie Daycare, which I loved but the first few weeks were tough being I was adjusting from jet lag.  I tried to keep things fun and entertaining and while it would have been so easy to plop them in front of the TV...I did not.  I was barely back a month and had literally finished unpacking and organizing, when it was time to pack and head off again.  The destination?  The annual trek to Florida and Disney World.  I am both proud and embarrassed to admit that it was my 31st Florida/Disney trip.  Three weeks of rest and relaxation.  Many people ask why us Bergman's head there once (sometimes twice) a year?  The summer trip goes back to when we lived in Jerusalem.  During the summer when we would come back to the States, my parents had to visit different churches every Sunday and give a talk/presentation on our life overseas.  We always referred to these presentations as the "Camel and Donkey" show :)  Anyway, the time we spent in Florida was the only time my parents were able to relax and enjoy themselves, without any obligations.  At some point we started purchasing annual passes and it has become a regular place for us to visit. 
I am proud to say that it has rubbed off on the next generation.  My sister Kirsi and niece Skyler and nephew Hunter joined us for ten days.  Both Skyler and Hunter had been there before, but this year it was great because they could do more, including roller coasters and had a blast.  We were barely back home when they said they were ready to go back to Florida. I should stress that we are fortunate to have family down there, that we are able to stay with.  Another reason we are able to go so often.  I am actually heading to Florida in November for eight days to attend a wedding and catch the end of EPCOT's International Food and Wine Festival (another favorite of mine).  Anyway, returned from Florida on August 23rd and the start of school was just a few weeks away.  Like a true Minnesotan I had to go to the State Fair (went three times actually).  Got to see the Maroon 5 and Train concert which was so much fun!
School started and being that I am subbing again :( I did not have a job for the first few weeks.  How dare teachers not get sick at the beginning of the year :)  Things have picked up now and I am keeping busy, although I long for a real job again and my own classroom.  As I mentioned in my last entry, I have been dealing with second thoughts and thinking I should have returned to Bahrain.  I must live with my decision though and life goes on.  I continue being positive and looking for jobs...there have not been many lately, but I keep hoping and praying.  Again, I need to mention how much I miss everyone in Bahrain.  To my friends in Minnesota who I have not seen since I got back....we will get together soon and catch up!   Take care everyone. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Second Thoughts

Auntie Daycare has ended as Skyler started kindergarten and Hunter Preschool.  With my days dull as I await sub jobs, I have had time to think and really am suddenly feeling culture shock.  Reality has kicked in as summer has ended and school has started.  I have been meaning to write a new entry for a while.  I am finally writing this one because it seemed fitting at this time.  It is the back to school time of year and my thoughts are with all the teachers and students everywhere.  I of course am especially thinking of everyone at Al Raja School in Bahrain.  As I previously mentioned, there was a time while in Bahrain that I did not want to return...and now as school starts...a big part of me wishes I was back with my friends and students in Bahrain.  Granted part of it may be because I have no job here, but I also think it is simply because I love being overseas and enjoy the adventure and experiences that come with it.  Since living in Jerusalem as a child, I have always had a sense of wanderlust. . 
So, I guess you could say as everyone has reported to work the last few weeks, I am having second thoughts and wondering why I did not agree to return to Bahrain?  I worked with great people and had terrific students.  I know many of you will read this and say "I told you so".  Of course, there are as we know reasons as to why I did return to Minnesota....three little ones who call me Auntie.  They are my sweeties and while I do long to be elsewhere with a job, there is still the part of me that is torn towards them and I wonder how I managed to go five months without them.  Anyway, this entry is kind of just a jumble of words and thoughts.  I just wanted to share them and express that were there different circumstances, I would be back in Bahrain.  It's a toss-up....a job or family?  Obviously the family won out and while I am experiencing some second thoughts on the whole thing...I know that the next time Skyler hugs me and tells me she loves me, I will be back at knowing I made the right decision :)   Thinking of and missing all my friends and students in Bahrain.
Thanks for reading and bearing with me.  I will write another entry soon, that will most likely focus on the activities of summer and of course Florida vacation.  Just something to look forward to :)