Thursday, July 14, 2011

Back in Minnesota!

Thank you readers for your patience, as I know it has taken me a few weeks to write another entry.  Things have been crazy since returning to Minnesota (more later).  I suppose I should start with my travels, which lasted 24 hours from the time I departed Bahrain to landing in Mpls/St. Paul.  My first flight to Amsterdam was about six hours and I managed to sleep a little, as it departed Bahrain at 12:30 a.m.  Then I had a seven and a half hour layover in Amsterdam.  Had it been later in the day, I would have ventured out of the airport, but being around six in the morning, I found a comfortable lounging chair and rested.  I did some shopping, as my brother requested Gouda cheese. 
My second flight was nine hours long and my legs started cramping to the point that I needed to get up and walk around.  I was unable to sleep on that flight.  I think it was in part due to being uncomfortable and also because I was excited to arrive in Minnesota and see my family :)  After going through customs, I collected my luggage and headed out to the greeting area.  I love airports - they are great for people watching and to see the looks on people's faces when they see each other again...makes the trip worthwhile.  My parents, sister Kirsi and Skyler and Hunter were there to meet me.  I was so excited to see them and they of me.  Skyler and Hunter ran and jumped all over me....but of course I loved it.  They made me signs as well.  It was so great seeing them all, that I forgot that it was midnight in Bahrain.  Although that quickly caught up with me.
I have been home almost two weeks now and I think I am finally over jet lag.  When I agreed to be Auntie Daycare for the month of July, I guess I did not figure jet lag into the decision.  However, Skyler and Hunter have been very patient with Auntie over the last few weeks.  Of course with jet lag over, there is culture shock that does not go away so easily.  I counted the days until I would return to Minnesota, but have come to miss Bahrain more than I thought I would.  It was my home for five months and with all that happened, my life was forever impacted and changed.  I met so many amazing people and created new friendships that will survive long distances and time.  Since coming back many people have asked me if I would go back.  It is funny, because a month ago I would have said no...and now I am not so quick to answer. 
People in Minnesota have asked if I am going to share pictures and stories from my experiences.  I plan to sometime this Fall, so will keep everyone posted.  It will be difficult to be selective and choose only a handful of pictures from 2600.  Several people in Bahrain have also asked if I will continue my blog.  I certainly will as long as people want me to.  Although I doubt my life in Minnesota will be as exciting.  I am touched that you are all interested in what I have to say regardless.  Not sure if I will change the title of this blog....can you do that?  Or will I start a new one?  Again, I will keep everyone posted.

To all my friends and students in Bahrain- Thank you for making my time memorable.  I am grateful for the time we spent together and getting to know you.  Keep in touch and I will as well.  Inshala- we will see each other again. 
To all my friends and family in Minnesota- I hope we can see each other soon.  Thank you for following me on this adventure.