Monday, September 26, 2011

Summer in Review

I will try and make this entry more upbeat then the last one :)  By the time I returned to Minnesota on July 1st, summer had arrived and was well underway.  I jumped right into Auntie Daycare, which I loved but the first few weeks were tough being I was adjusting from jet lag.  I tried to keep things fun and entertaining and while it would have been so easy to plop them in front of the TV...I did not.  I was barely back a month and had literally finished unpacking and organizing, when it was time to pack and head off again.  The destination?  The annual trek to Florida and Disney World.  I am both proud and embarrassed to admit that it was my 31st Florida/Disney trip.  Three weeks of rest and relaxation.  Many people ask why us Bergman's head there once (sometimes twice) a year?  The summer trip goes back to when we lived in Jerusalem.  During the summer when we would come back to the States, my parents had to visit different churches every Sunday and give a talk/presentation on our life overseas.  We always referred to these presentations as the "Camel and Donkey" show :)  Anyway, the time we spent in Florida was the only time my parents were able to relax and enjoy themselves, without any obligations.  At some point we started purchasing annual passes and it has become a regular place for us to visit. 
I am proud to say that it has rubbed off on the next generation.  My sister Kirsi and niece Skyler and nephew Hunter joined us for ten days.  Both Skyler and Hunter had been there before, but this year it was great because they could do more, including roller coasters and had a blast.  We were barely back home when they said they were ready to go back to Florida. I should stress that we are fortunate to have family down there, that we are able to stay with.  Another reason we are able to go so often.  I am actually heading to Florida in November for eight days to attend a wedding and catch the end of EPCOT's International Food and Wine Festival (another favorite of mine).  Anyway, returned from Florida on August 23rd and the start of school was just a few weeks away.  Like a true Minnesotan I had to go to the State Fair (went three times actually).  Got to see the Maroon 5 and Train concert which was so much fun!
School started and being that I am subbing again :( I did not have a job for the first few weeks.  How dare teachers not get sick at the beginning of the year :)  Things have picked up now and I am keeping busy, although I long for a real job again and my own classroom.  As I mentioned in my last entry, I have been dealing with second thoughts and thinking I should have returned to Bahrain.  I must live with my decision though and life goes on.  I continue being positive and looking for jobs...there have not been many lately, but I keep hoping and praying.  Again, I need to mention how much I miss everyone in Bahrain.  To my friends in Minnesota who I have not seen since I got back....we will get together soon and catch up!   Take care everyone. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Second Thoughts

Auntie Daycare has ended as Skyler started kindergarten and Hunter Preschool.  With my days dull as I await sub jobs, I have had time to think and really am suddenly feeling culture shock.  Reality has kicked in as summer has ended and school has started.  I have been meaning to write a new entry for a while.  I am finally writing this one because it seemed fitting at this time.  It is the back to school time of year and my thoughts are with all the teachers and students everywhere.  I of course am especially thinking of everyone at Al Raja School in Bahrain.  As I previously mentioned, there was a time while in Bahrain that I did not want to return...and now as school starts...a big part of me wishes I was back with my friends and students in Bahrain.  Granted part of it may be because I have no job here, but I also think it is simply because I love being overseas and enjoy the adventure and experiences that come with it.  Since living in Jerusalem as a child, I have always had a sense of wanderlust. . 
So, I guess you could say as everyone has reported to work the last few weeks, I am having second thoughts and wondering why I did not agree to return to Bahrain?  I worked with great people and had terrific students.  I know many of you will read this and say "I told you so".  Of course, there are as we know reasons as to why I did return to Minnesota....three little ones who call me Auntie.  They are my sweeties and while I do long to be elsewhere with a job, there is still the part of me that is torn towards them and I wonder how I managed to go five months without them.  Anyway, this entry is kind of just a jumble of words and thoughts.  I just wanted to share them and express that were there different circumstances, I would be back in Bahrain.  It's a toss-up....a job or family?  Obviously the family won out and while I am experiencing some second thoughts on the whole thing...I know that the next time Skyler hugs me and tells me she loves me, I will be back at knowing I made the right decision :)   Thinking of and missing all my friends and students in Bahrain.
Thanks for reading and bearing with me.  I will write another entry soon, that will most likely focus on the activities of summer and of course Florida vacation.  Just something to look forward to :)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Pics from my last week in Bahrain and a few words

I had intended to post this pics a while ago, but it is in fact fitting I think that I am posting them now.  My friends in Bahrain have started the new school year and I must admit part of me wishes I was with them.  These are mostly pictures of the people I met who became great friends.  Thank goodness for Facebook and it allows me to keep in touch.  Miss you all and thanks for the memories!