Tuesday, February 7, 2012

One Year Ago....Bahrain!

One year ago I was settling into life in Bahrain.  I was meeting new people and teaching 7th grade.  I had my own classroom, which I remember being funny because I only had to travel across the world to get it.  Of course I could write about what you have already heard...the experience was amazing, it changed my life etc...  I could also dwell on the fact that we know I have regretted not going back for another year since life continues to be sub, sub, sub. 
While I miss everyone there and remember them all the time, I have been particularly nostalgic lately since it was a year ago that the adventure began.  I simply looked at it as an amazing opportunity to get abroad again and to teach.  Who knew that I would end up in the middle of history being made and what is now being referred to as the Arab Spring.  As the anniversary of political unrest approaches, I simply try and remain positive and hope and pray that there is some sort of compromise and peace reached.  Of course as someone who lived in Jerusalem for nine years, I tend to understand (sadly) that concept is very far fetched and out of reach.  Although I keep hoping. 
Anyway, I am pretty much writing this entry to remind myself what an amazing time I had starting a year ago.  I apologize if what I am writing is a bit repetitive, but get over it :)  Seriously, I do thank everyone who reads my blog.  This entry is brief, but important to me because I want to let everyone in Bahrain know how much I miss them and still to this day remember the impact that they had in/on my life. Thank you to my friends and students in Bahrain.  I have no idea what the future holds, but as I continue looking for a teaching job, I can only hope that I am blessed with such amazing co-workers and students. Thank you.
"Life's truest happiness is found in friendships we make along  the way" -Anonymous