Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter in Bahrain!

I was not sure until the day before how I was going to spend my Easter in Bahrain.  I was feeling a little homesick when I thought about missing church, the youth Easter breakfast and the big lunch surrounded family.  In the end there was certainly no time to be homesick as the day flew by and I ended up being busy, busy, busy.  I did know I was going to church which was at 5:30am.  It was in the parking lot of the NEC (National Evangelical Church) and members of all the different congregations were there, so there was a huge turn out of people.  It was amazing.  Everyone got a boxed breakfast after the's the thought that counts. 
I was spontaneously invited to join friends Victoria, Vinolia, her husband and sons for Indian breakfast at a restaurant.  Of course I went for the experience, although I had no idea what to order.  They took care of that for me and got me a plate of a variety of dishes.  I can certainly say it was interesting...and not what I would expect of breakfast food.  I had a lot of fun though.  Back at my flat after that, I had a few hours to rest and digest before heading out again.  I drove with Peter and Kathy to a restaurant that was reserved by a member of the Arabic congregation.  So, my Easter lunch was spent with members of the Arabic Congregation eating a variety of Middle Eastern foods.  I had a great time eating and socializing.  I have been to a lot of churches since I arrived and the Arabic congregation has been the most welcoming and friendly.  I enjoy hanging out with them. 
I was back at my flat for about an hour before heading out again.  I went to another church service at 6:30pm.  My friend Victoria (another teacher) was participating in a dance number during the service, so I went to support and watch her.  Alas, I had to leave a little early...had to get back to Skype with the family.  So, I ended my Easter Skyping with the family.  I got to talk and see everyone and that made me extremely happy.  It was a good day.  Christ is Risen!

1 comment:

  1. Anna,
    Glad to hear that you are having an unbelievable experience in Bahrain. I guess I am a little jealous of your travels but understand what it is like to miss your family. I am glad that you had an Easter that you will never forget!
    I enjoy reading your blogs and living through your travels!!
