Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Grand Mosque and Food, Food, Food!

There are only two more days left of the school week and then it is Spring Break time, or as it is actually called here, Easter Break.  I am not travelling anywhere as there is still so much to see in Bahrain and many of my friends will be in town, so there are lots of people to hang out with.  Besides vacations always fly by anyway.  Before I know it, I will be back at school with the long haul to the end of the school year.  Literally in that there is only one other day off after between Easter Break and the end of school, which is June 28th....and that day is May 1st, so it's pretty close to break anyway.  The students are getting restless and I know they are just as ready for time off as I am. 
I had a cold last week, which resulted in no voice (although that partially had to do with all the yelling I did at my students).  I learned after the first time I went to London, to always travel with Nyquil as countries always have different types of cold medicine and they have never worked.  After breaking into the Nyquil I got sleep and felt much better.  I had to get better because the weekend had arrived and there were more places to go and explore.  On Friday I went with my friend Mariam and her family to a birthday party.  I kind of felt like a party crasher, but was very welcomed and had a lot of fun.  There was so much delicious food.  The husband is a chef and created this feast of all kinds of food, from American to Middle Eastern to Indian.  Of course I ate way too much, but I always love it when I am not cooking for myself, especially since my culinary skills are hardly even basic.  Although I am trying to be more adventurous in the kitchen.  If anyone has any EASY recipes that do not require a lot of ingredients, please pass them on to me :)
On Saturday the main stop was the Grand Mosque.  It is the biggest mosque in Bahrain and can accommodate up to 7,000 worshippers.  It is also opened to non-Muslims who can get a tour.  Of course to get inside and have the tour, I had to put on an Abaya, which is the traditional long robe/gown that Muslim women wear.  There was a whole closet to choose from and I thought since I have to wear one, I am going to wear a fancier one.  Of course the head had to be covered also.  Pictures were taken which I will post, although try not to notice how non-flattering they are.  Of course I am wearing clothing underneath, but still :)  I only had to wear it for fifteen minutes, but that was enough to think I was going to pass out from heat exhaustion.  I have a new admiration for the women who have to wear it.  It was truly an experience.  After touring the mosque, which was beautiful, the highlight still ended up being the Abaya.  After the mosque tour, it was to the mall for lunch.  Marina Mall (one of many) has this delicious and reasonably priced buffet.  The food is Middle Eastern and Indian and of course delicious.  What I find amusing is that the buffet is located in the mall food court.  Again, I ate too much, but I just love ethnic food.  And for sure we know I am not going to be cooking any of that :) 
After school this week I have been going for walks.  I am feeling safe and comfortable doing it and it is nice to get out and enjoy the weather.  It has reached the 90s several days and of course I love it.  Many people think it is too hot to walk, but I grab my water bottle and go.  I feel I need to do something other then just hang out in my flat after a day of teaching.  Stores are open though and people are out on the streets again shopping and walking.  It is nice to see that....a return to some normalcy.  Tonight I walked with Victoria (another teacher who lives across the hall from me) to the post office and the Dairy Queen.  She is from India and had never been to DQ.  I felt it was my duty to introduce her to the blizzard.   On the walk home it started drizzling, but in a way it was nice and refreshing.  It has not really rained since I arrived, so it was a little unexpected.  That pretty much sums up life since I last wrote.  Hope you are all well.  More soon :)

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