Monday, May 9, 2011

Overdue Update!

It has been almost two weeks since I last wrote and I must admit that time is flying by.  53 more days until I return home!  I do not think that there is anything wrong with having a countdown at this point :)  School was off Sunday, May 1st for Labour Day and now the long haul continues to the end of the school year without another day off.  Like in the States, students are getting restless and losing their motivation and they don't even get done until around June 27th.  Still so much school work to do.  I am reading the novel Hoot with my 7th graders and let me tell you after I am done, I hope not to see, read or hear anything about Hoot for a long time.  I have three classes, so it is Hoot all the time....I am sleeping, dreaming, living Hoot! (or so it seems anyway)
The weather has steadily gotten warmer.  It has been 100 degrees that last few days and tomorrow they are saying 103.  Fortunately, the classrooms and my flat have AC- although I am still not to the point where I am complaining about the heat.  Perhaps by the time I leave, I will be ready for cooler weather.  Parent-teacher conferences were a few weeks ago and about half of my students had parents that showed up.  Why is it that always the parents you want to talk to, do not make an appearance?  They lasted four hours and while the first hour was busy and steady, teachers spent the last three hours walking around, talking to each other.  talk about productivity :)
I have pretty much completed everything that was on my sightseeing list.  I put quite a dent in 101 Places to see in Bahrain.  Sadly the situation prevents me from visiting a few places on my list.  I have great stories to tell and pictures to share nonetheless of all the places I did get to.  Since last writing, I was able to see Al Khamis Mosque.  This one is no longer a functioning mosque, so I did not get to get all decked out in an Abaya.  It is one of the oldest mosque's in the Arab world, built around 692 AD.  Also went to the Saar Ruins, which are...yes from the Dilmun Period (Third Millennium BC).  While they are indeed just a bunch of ruins, I am always fascinated by how what is left has survived so long.  Also got to check out an amusement park in Bahrain.  Adhari Park gave me an evening's worth of entertainment going on many rides.  It certainly was not Disney World or even Valley Fair, but it was certainly a lot of fun. 
On Labour Day I had lunch at Chili's with some other teachers.  Any American restaurant chain I have eaten at here has certainly been comparable food wise, but I cannot say a lot about the service.  I will probably not complain about bad service when I am back in the states again...because here despite the horrible service you received they include the tip on your have no choice on the matter apparently.  That is just one of the things I will not miss when I leave.  I am actually developing a list of things I will not miss.  Look for it sometime in the future. 
This last week has been one of sadness.  Peter's (the family friend I know in Bahrain) mother passed away back in the States.  Later the same day that news was received I got word that my grandma Nanny was in the hospital with an infection.  That was three days ago now and she is still hanging on.  They took away all of the tubes and breathing apparatus and she is unconscious...but she is such a strong woman.  She is at 91 what I hope to be one day.  In many ways I get my love of writing from her, particularly where sending birthday and anniversary cards are concerned.  She would also always remember the big events in people's lives.  Being she did not have a computer she has handwritten me letters since I got to Bahrain and I would mail ones right back to her.  I will certainly miss that correspondence.  I have always remained an advocate of snail mail.  There is just something about getting a letter or card in the mail :)  Anyway, I call my mom frequently to check in and while Nanny's breathing goes in an out, she is still with us.  Today would have been her and my grandpa's 70 wedding anniversary (he passed away two years ago).  My mom held the phone up to her ear and I told her it was okay for her to leave...grandpa was waiting for her.  So, we will see....I have done a lot of crying the past few days, but I know she has had a good life.  I think what makes me the most sad is that I am here and she is there, so far away.
Anyway, I will change the subject.  No need to depress or sadden anyone else.  Last week was sports day at school and it was certainly not like any sports day that I remember.  As a homeroom teacher, I had to sit with my class on the bleachers in the gymnasium for four hours.  There was a whole list of games and sports, but only one went on at a time, so sometimes only two students were competing while the rest of us looked on.  It was definitely a waste of time, if I may be honest?  Even several of my 7th graders were bored and did not want to participate.  When I think of all the grading or teaching, I could have done in that time....oh well....there were some students who had a good time and enjoyed themselves, so who am I to take that excitement away from them?  My favorite part was when a few students even told me they would rather be in class.  Gotta love moments like that!

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