Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Just Another Update!

I have decided I cannot go away for long periods of time ever again.  As much as I hate Minnesota winter, it seems too much happens when I am away and I just don't know how to deal with things with so much distance.  To go along with my Nanny passing away, now my mother informs me that she has having knee replacement surgery on Friday.  I know it is a routine surgery, but she has to be in the hospital for three days.  Needless to say I will be doing a lot of praying this weekend and at the same time keep busy.  I find it is the best way to pass the time.  For the record, I am down to 36 days! 
I haven't really done that much since I last wrote that is not school/work related.  I have been busy working on getting things ready for whoever teaches 7th grade English next year.  Also, there was a year plan to prepare and not to mention the final exam and a study guide.  I have to say my students have it pretty easy.  Not only are the questions on the final exam taken from the tests I have given...but they also get a study guide.  So basically they have seen all the questions before.  While I am in countdown mode to return home, it is also a countdown to the end school.  Well I should say teaching, as I have to be at school until the day I leave the country.  Two more weeks of classes and then final exams.  Of course my students continue to be more and more crazy as the year draws to a close, but that is so typical I think of anywhere you are in the world. 
I was sick last week and missed a day of school.  Not sure if it was the flu, heat stroke or just mental exhaustion of all that is going on, but I felt miserable.  I figure it was probably a combination of everything.  I had lunch at the British Club last Friday with Peter and Kathy.  While I had gone there to swim and eat, this excursion was for the Friday brunch buffet.  Friday brunch is a very big deal in Bahrain.  It was of course delicious food with a wide variety from Middle Eastern to Indian, British to American.  It is always just fun to get out and go somewhere.  The people watching is particularly fun to do in Bahrain.  Today after school I went to TGIFriday's with two other teachers.  Of course very similar to the States, but no American restaurant here has been exactly the same.  I may have said this before, but the most similar to back home as been the Dairy Queen.  Who knew?  Tomorrow is the weekend and I think I have a few things planned.  Of course you will have to wait until the next entry to hear about them.  Hope you are well readers :)

1 comment:

  1. Anna, your mom will be in our prayers. I have had both of my knees replaced. I miss you.
