Saturday, May 14, 2011

Remembering Nanny, Visiting the Oil Museum and 100 degree days!

Many of you know from Facebook that my Nanny passed away last Tuesday.  She joined my grandpa in heaven on what would have been their 70th wedding anniversary.  She lived a long and amazing life, but that did not make it any easier.  I think the hardest part for me is that I am so far away.  That and I received a letter from her two days later.  Of course that brought on a new batch of tears.  It was like any of her other letters, an update on things and what she had been up to.  However, this is one that I will cherish and appreciate forever.  I will miss the funeral, but there will be a graveside memorial service when I return home in July.  That made me will allow me to grieve and celebrate her life. 
I have a great support system in Bahrain.  I know that my parents were worried about me being so far away and how I was dealing with things.  All I can do is thank my friends!!  They have all been great!!  I am grateful for all the amazing people I have met and the new friends I have made.  Everyone was so quick to come and offer their thoughts and condolences...and I cannot thank them enough.  My friends have also been keeping me busy as it helps to keep my mind off things...mainly the fact that I am here and not at home during this time.  Anyway, enough of this sadness.  We will celebrate her 91 years of life.
It has certainly been a busy weekend.  I had lunch with Peter and Kathy yesterday and then they took me to two more sites on my tourist list.  I am proud to say that I have pretty much done everything on the list (minus a few places that it is not possible to get to right now).  So, this weekend I got to see the Oil Museum and Oil Well No. 1.  As I believe I have previously mentioned, Bahrain was the first country in the Gulf to strike oil back in 1932.  So of course there is a museum devoted to the great discovery.  It was a one room museum, but the pictures they had displayed were amazing.  It was also interesting to see original drilling equipment.  Nearby (outside) is Oil Well No. 1.  It is of course a picture spot and just in case one did not turn out....I took three.  You can never be too sure :)  It was fun being a tourist for a day again.  Today I hung out with my friend Mariam and her twin boys.  We walked through the suq again.  I love to do that.
It is back to work tomorrow and the long haul to the end of the school year continues.  Apparently my last day of work is June 30th.  Nothing like last minute as I have to be at the airport to fly out that night.  Needless to say I will be packed beforehand.  I cannot help but have a personal countdown going...47 days until I return home.  This has certainly been an amazing time and experience, that I will never forget...but I miss my family and friends.  Although I certainly do not miss the cold weather.  Hopefully it will be nice when I get there in July.  It has been 100 plus degrees here and while it is hot, I have really hardly noticed.  I have always been a crazy one who does not mind hot weather.  It just means changing clothes a few times a day.  So, that is the latest.  I fear my life is hardly very exciting, so I hope you still enjoy reading this blog.  Greetings and hugs to you all wherever you are :)

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