Saturday, March 26, 2011

Birthday in Bahrain!

I am not one to make a big deal about my birthday (particularly since I have been 30 now for three years), however this year I got to go swimming and lounge by a pool outside, so I am going to make a big deal out of it.  For those of us from Minnesota and other cold locations, we know that the chances are very slim to wear a swimsuit and catch rays outside in March.  This year I can say I did though, which was nice amidst all the lingering turmoil and fear.  Making plans are really a day to day thing, so I had no idea what I was going to do until Tuesday evening.  Being the middle of the week, it is also difficult for people who live in certain areas to make plans for the evening.  So, it has kind of been an ongoing celebration, but I am okay with that.
On my actual birthday my students sang to me in both English and Arabic.  It is great being back at school with the students.  Dare I say they were happy to be back after over a week also?  I think so, as several of them told me they were getting bored.  I am not above knowing though that the boredom came more from not being able to see their friends, than actually getting some schoolwork done :) 
After school I went to the British Club with Peter and Kathy, were I had fish n' chips- typical pub fare, but it was really good.  Then I lounged by the pool and basked in the sun.  In the evening I went across the hall to the flat of another teacher.  She along with her sister (yet another teacher) had baked a cake for me and ordered Chinese Food.  There was a teacher at school who made brownies for me and the head of English gave me a beautiful bouquet of flowers.  I also got some fun earrings, as I enjoy jewelry.  It was a great day filled with friends and fun! 
I really wanted to go to the Hard Rock Cafe on my birthday- alas that has been postponed and hopefully rescheduled for next week.  Every place I travel to that has a Hard Rock, I have to visit.  It is like a thing- I  collect a shot glass from each location.  I think I have 13 or 14.  Silly, but fun nonetheless. Today, I got to enjoy the present from another teacher at the school.  She booked me an hour long massage and a manicure and pedicure.  Fabulous...that is all I can say...and reasonable.  I figured all that to come to about $55, which I didn't think was that bad, compared to what I have paid in the States for just a massage.  I have a feeling I will visit this place again before returning to MN.  After the massage I did some more sightseeing, visiting The Site Museum and Al Jasra handicraft Centre.  The Site Museum, was near Bahrain Fort and gave a detailed history and contained many artifacts from the Dilmun Era, which began in 2200 BC.  Amazing how well preserved many of things were and so detailed for the time.  I love being a tourist!  The Handicraft Centre was a place where artists create things right in front of you, from baskets, to pottery to jewelry chests.  Very interesting and fascinating.  I kind of scoped out some things I need to buy before returning home.  And what tourist day would be complete without a stop at the Dairy Queen?  In Bahrain it is a must :)
It was great getting out today, as yesterday we were encouraged to stay indoors.  There were rumors circulating on Thursday, that some things were going to happen all around Bahrain on Friday.  I did my grocery shopping bright and early, then found lots to do inside...well cleaning, laundry etc.  Not a lot happened though that I am aware of.  It appears that rumors get started,get bigger and than instill fear in everyone.  Not a day goes by though that I do not pray for peace and calm.  While I am safe, many people are not.    As I write this I hope that things remain calm overnight, so that we have school tomorrow, the next day and the next day.  One just hopes and prays day to day for some normalcy.

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