Friday, March 4, 2011

Hello again!

I realised that it had been a while since I last wrote.  Of course not much has happened since then, which is a good thing.  Apparently, there was some trouble again last night, but I did not know about it until five minutes ago when I was looking at yahoo news.  A lot of the teachers at the school/locals are looking out for me, as well as Peter and Kathy, so I know they will keep me informed if anything happens I should be concerned about.  Everything seems to be in a different part of the city.  Although, when I was sitting in my kitchen today working on lesson plans, I heard singing.  I looked out my window and there was a parade of people walking along the distant street waving the Bahrain flag.  It was all peaceful from what I could see and I was not afraid at all.  Let me one should worry.  I am getting out and about more again.  I took a walk around my neighborhood this morning and took some pictures.
I continue to move around and attend different church services.  As I have mentioned there are no Lutheran churches in Bahrain, so I am trying to mix it up.  Plus, a lot of churches are very conservative and you know not want to get converted :)  I have met a lot of great people though, wherever I have been.  Last week I went to the Saar Fellowship church again, where a lot of foreign teachers (like myself) go.  It was fun because I went out with a bunch of people afterward for lunch.  It is always interesting ton hear why and how people ended up in Bahrain.  Last night I went to Arabic church again.  Yes, it is in Arabic, but the pastor's wife translates.  I just like to listen anyway.  Besides during fellowship time afterward I enjoy talking to everyone and in English.  I am trying to pick up some Arabic.  I have one student who is trying to teach me a word-a-day.  He has been slacking lately.
We had a full week of school this week (yay) and it has been great.  I love going to work everyday.  The students are so much fun and I learn from them as they learn from me.  This week I tried to explain daylight savings to them, as they do not set their clocks ahead or back.  I don't think they understood, but then again I don't really understand why we do it either.  I am also picking up some simple things again that I had to get rid of when I left Jerusalem.  For example, periods are called full stops again and the date is done day, month, year versus month, day, year.  I always thought the rest of the world had that one right...I mean day, month, year just makes more sense.  I am also starting to add the 'u' in words again and learning military time, as many people say 1700 hours rather than 5pm.  Oh what I will go through when I return to Minnesota in July.  A note to everyone now- be prepared and be patient with me :)
I have been hanging out with a teacher who lives across the hall from me.  Her name is Victoria and she is from India.  She just arrived in August, but her sister has lived her for seven years.  It is so much fun getting to know new people.  Yesterday after work, a bunch of us went to Fuddruckers for lunch.  I think it is funny because we have them in Minnesota, but I have never been.  Anyway, it was great social time.  Tomorrow I am going with another teacher to City Centre.  That is apparently the big mall in Bahrain.  I will give you the lowdown in my next entry.  the plan is to walk around, shop and see a movie.  When we were trying to decide what to see the truth is, I had already seen a lot of what is new here. I remember that from Jerusalem days...movies arrive when they are almost or already on DVD back in the States.  So, the plan is to see "Life As We Know It" again tomorrow.
In Bahrain, every restaurant delivers to your flat...and I mean every restaurant.  That includes McDonald's, Hardees, other American chains and all the local ones.  Tonight, I gave in and tried it.  I ordered some Chinese food from a place nearby- I had been craving it.  Anyway, gave the street number, building number and apartment number and 40 minutes later I had a delicious dinner.  I could get used to this, but it won't become a regular occurrence as prices are a little higher here.  I went grocery shopping this morning and pretty much stocked up on food that will tide me over for two weeks.  It cost about $65.  To some that might not seem like a lot, but if you could see what me- the person who does not cook- had in her cart, you would understand.  I will say though that fruits and vegetables are cheaper here.
I suppose that is an update on the last week of Auntie Anna's life in Bahrain.  I have been here a month now and it is crazy how quickly time has passed.  It is starting to get warmer again and I am told before long Spring will arrive.  Note: Spring temps here are in the 80s.  Fortunately, I have never been one to complain of heat.  I mean I am one of those crazy Bergman's who always goes to Florida in August.  Anyway, my weekend is half over, but to many of you..."have a nice weekend!"

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