Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I am sure many of you are aware by now that things have heated up again in Bahrain.  Sunday at school was an unusual day.  Students kept arriving late because roads and bridges were closed.  Basically something was going on in the Financial District and being that a main road runs through that, it complicated matters in trying to get around.  It seemed students had all arrived and then suddenly parents were arriving to take them home.  Finally by 12:30pm parents were sent a message and slowly, slowly parents arrived and students took off.  It is a day to day question, on whether or not school will be on tomorrow.
Monday, many staff members showed up (including me).  Of course I live just down the street.  Anyway, maybe a dozen or so students in the whole school showed up.  They were sent to the library to hang out while there was staff meeting.  Finally about 10am we were all told to go home.  I used the time to my advantage though, cleaning my flat and doing laundry.  I also had to get some materials together to e-mail to my students, so they have something to do at home, should this continue.  I of course planned some things that would not require the textbook, as I know many of my students would not have brought that home with them.  Saudi troops entered the city yesterday and this is looked upon as an imposition by the protesters.  I knew the quiet that had existed the last few weeks, was merely calm before the storm.
Today, I awaited the message saying there was no school, but finally called Peter instead who said come late.  He did eventually call me and told me not to bother coming at all.  I stayed in bed and took advantage of sleeping in.  With that luxury though, I hope and pray that this storm passes quickly and peacefully.  I will head over to Peter and Kathy's for lunch.  They live close and it will get me out of the flat.  I look out my windows and people are outside and there are cars driving around.  It is a matter of how things feel wherever you are.  If I do not feel comfortable outside, I will come right back in.  
I just want to reiterate that I am fine and safe.  I have many people looking out for me.  I have had four phone calls today from people checking up on me, so I feel very much cared for.  Your prayers would be much appreciated during this time.  I will write more soon :)

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