Sunday, June 5, 2011

And the Countdown Continues....25 Days!

I realise I am not blogging as much as I did at one time, but my life is not as exciting.  I have pretty much made my way through my sightseeing/tourist list, therefore my days consist of going to work and home.  I also do find time to hang out with friends and I try to keep busy on the weekend.  I have learned that keeping busy helps time pass more quickly.  I know that I will leave Bahrain and there will be things that I miss, however I am excited and anxious to get home.  There are many reasons why I have chosen not to return in the Fall, but the main ones are I miss my family, I want to wear what I want when I want and I want to be able to go out at midnight if I choose.  The situation here pretty much prevents anyone from having an evening social life.  Sure, I do not have a job to return to, but I am always applying and pray that something comes my way.  If anyone knows of any teaching jobs, please let me know.
My mother's surgery went well.  She has been in a rehab/transitional care place since the surgery and goes home tomorrow.  Being at this place allowed her to do therapy several times a day rather than just once.  The weather continues to be hot here!  You all know I love my heat and sun...but many days over 100 degrees and even I am longing for some rain.  Heard there was a lot of that in Minnesota.  When I get home it will seem so cold :)  A week ago I ventured into the suq alone and bought a necklace.  Granted I had been to the shop a few times before and he gave me a good price, although I was proud of myself for doing it alone and heckling.  Of course between the suq and my flat is a Dairy Queen and what better way to get cool on a 100 degree day?  Get a blizzard of course.  I have to say out of all the American restaurants in Bahrain, the DQ is the one I frequent the most.
Yesterday I went with three other teachers to the beach...and a beach where I could actually wear a bathing suit.  We drove to the coast and took a 10 minute boat ride to a small island, Al Dar.  We pretty much had the place to ourselves for a couple of hours.  It was really nice to lounge and relax and swim.  Despite several layers of sunscreen I did get a little bit burnt.  Although it is in weird places, so I only hope it turns into a nice tan.  There was a little excitement as well.  I tend to have a history of blacking out from sun and heat.  It happened once when I was on a cruise and a few other times.  Apparently once you blackout once, you are more susceptible to it happening again.  Anyway, despite hydrating galore, I got up to use the restroom and did not quite make it back to my chair on my own.  No one needs to freak out while reading this.  I am fine and I knew what was happening.  I just always feel stupid.  The employees and the people are was with were all great, which is nice.  After relaxing indoors and hydrating some more and eating something...I was back in the water one more time, before heading home.  It was an awesome day though and I had a great time with friends!  I will post pictures soon.
Anyway, this week is the last week of classes, although the time is being spent reviewing and preparing for final exams, which start next week.  Of course the students are getting even more crazy as the school year comes to a close.  Despite the craziness, I will miss them all.  Fourth quarter grades are due by the end of the week, so I am busy working on those as well.  I think I mentioned it before, but students are done on June 16th, whereas I have to be at school through the 30th.  Graduation is Tuesday night and being a secondary teacher, I have a job/duty.  It will be interesting to see how graduation goes over here.  Of course the class is small...I think there are around 24 seniors.  Similar to class sizes at the school I attended in Jerusalem, but vastly different from my high school graduating class of over 400.  Speaking of which, it will be 15 years since I graduated from high school!!!  Where does the time go?  It appears there will be some sort of reunion in September, so that is something to look forward to.
As the title states I will be coming home in 25 days!  Of course I am excited and anxious.  I cannot wait to see everyone...although please do not all call me at once :)  I hope that everyone who reads this is doing well and ready to tackle summer...maybe you have some fun trips planned.  I of course will be heading to Florida again for three weeks.  So, I arrive in MN at the beginning of July and a month later head South.  I am looking forward to both.  Take care everyone!

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