Thursday, February 3, 2011

Arrived in Bahrain

Well I arrived safely...after fifteen hours of traveling, although I have been through many worse travel experiences.  This one was very low key actually.  I had a stopover in Amsterdam after leaving the Twin Cities and then arrived in Bahrain at 10pm local time Wednesday, which would have been 1pm in MN on Wednesday.  Just in case you didn't catch that the time difference is nine hours :) Great people watching at the Amsterdam airport and I knew it had gotten bigger since I was last there 18 years ago, but it really got a lot bigger.
Anyway, as I now write this it is Thursday figure out what time that means it is for you.  In Bahrain Thursday is like Friday in that the weekend consists of Friday and Saturday.  Sunday starts the school week and my first day on the job.  After sleeping in today (as a result of jetlag) I got to tour the school and saw my classroom.  Imagine that my own classroom and all I had to do was travel across the world.  I will actually be teaching 7th grade English/Language Arts and will have three classes.  More info will be shared once I begin.  Needless to say I am very excited.
This afternoon I took a walk to the shoreline and inhaled the smell of the salt water.  The shoreline is continuously moving farther out, as water gets filled in to make more did cross my mind, if it continues like this it will no longer be an island.  Anyway, It was around 70 degrees today here and all I can say is...I love it!  No more winter for me...but I will not gloat.  It was great seeing and catching up with family friends Peter and Kathy (who are the reason behind this great opportunity).  For those of you who do not know, I know them from when my family lived in Jerusalem.  They have known me since I was six years old.  It is like we always say, time certainly does fly.  I am staying with them while I get situated and then have my own apartment to move into.  Again more on that in the future.
I figured I should just let everyone know that I arrived safely.  I would be lying if I said I did not already miss my family (especially those darlings you know as my niece and nephew), but I remain thrilled and excited about this opportunity.  I of course have already taken numerous pictures, but you will have to wait a while to see them.  I am trying to figure out internet connections in a foreign country...then I will do the picture thing.  So please be patient.  Until next time...  I know he will not read this, but I do need to say Happy 2nd Birthday to my nephew Tristan!

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