Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bahrain Fort, Caribou, the Prophet's Birthday and the Opera!

It was a busy weekend with the past and present playing a big part.  The weekend started with me attending a different church.  The wife of a teacher at school came to pick me up and drove me to Saar, a nearby town.  the service was similar to the one I attended the week before, but this congregation is made up of a lot of foreigners in Bahrain from the U.S., England, Australia and Canada.  I met some more nice people and it was nice chatting with other people from the States.  While there are many different churches and services to try out here, none of them are Lutheran.  I suddenly have a new appreciation for the hour service, as the ones here tend to run around two hours. 
Racing is very big here and they have the Formula 1 Track.  The government has gotten all the locals to be fans, but unfortunately not many of them can afford tickets.  My students were all telling me about it.  The big race event is March 11-13th.  Apparently race car drivers and fans from all around the world will be in Bahrain over that period of time.  There was a highway specifically built to transport people between the airport and track.  I did not actually go into the track...and I am okay with that, but we did drive by it and I got some pictures that way.  Of course there are advertisements everywhere with the slogan "Fuel Your Enthusiasm."
Anyway, we went to visit the Bahrain Fort, which is definitely more my idea of a tourist attraction.  It is one of Bahrain's most important sites and unlike many places that were once by the sea and are no more, this site still is.  The fort itself was built by the Portuguese in the 14th Century, but there are six other distinct eras that are obvious in the ruins, some dating back to 3000 BC.  It was truly a fun place to visit and I have some 70 pictures to show for it. :)  We visited just prior to sunset, so the view was gorgeous.  I am still working on uploading pictures, by the way.  As soon as I can, I will.
I am now also fortunate enough to say I have attended an opera of sorts.  The Italian Embassy wrapped up two weeks of cultural events and shows, with a free Opera for those who arrived and got a seat.  We did and I really enjoyed myself.  It was in fact several musical numbers performed from several different opera's,  but regardless it was fantastic.  The soprano, baritone and tenor were amazing.  To say I have been to the opera is one thing, to say I have been to an Italian opera in Bahrain is another.  Another amusing mention would be the rain after the opera.  We left the opera and it was raining.  Everyone was covering up and rushing to their cars and may people were waiting to be picked up.  It was hardly anything and I walked to the care merely getting wet.  Just another example of the weather and how it affects people in Bahrain. I cannot help it, but I find it very amusing.
I spent a few hours one morning cleaning the floor in my apartment.  There is so much dust and dirt here, I have a feeling this will need to be done often, however I for sure wanted to take care of it before I move in.  I vacuumed the tile first and then mopped it.  I definitely got a workout doing it though and I am happy to say the apartment smelled nice and clean.  Plus I could walk on the floor without getting black feet.  I have not moved into the apartment yet, but hope to this weekend.  I have decided not to wait any longer for the papers that allow me to get internet.  So, there may be a period when I am not as in touch for a while.  The school also got me a mobile phone to have.  I love it because the numbers are in both English and Arabic.  Of course that was another picture :)
There is no school today because it is a holiday...the Prophet Mohammed's birthday.  So I do not have to work today.  I admit I slept in and am taking it easy. Will probably do something this afternoon or go for a walk.  In the afternoon's a walk is always the thing to do.  This way I become familiar with the neighborhood and the sites around.  Some people heard Bahrain was on the news...and it probably was, but them me assure you things are fine.  Yesterday was a planned/scheduled day of demonstrations.  Love how it is a planned day.  Anyway, some roads were closed, but things were quiet.  Everything is good.  Uncertainty, if anything, brings me back to life in Jerusalem when you had no idea when/if something would happen.  Let me reiterate that I am fine and feeling safe.
While I have seen the old parts of Bahrain, I have also seen the new parts.  There are many malls in Bahrain and I have been to a few.  Some stores are familiar and some are not.  The biggest surprise was coming across a Caribou Coffee in one of them.  Many of you will understand that this is a Midwestern based coffee establishment...it is not widespread in the States.  So, to find one here was a complete shock.  Starbucks I know is international...but never thought I would find Caribou in Bahrain.
Valentine's Day while not a national day to be celebrated (unlike the Prophet's birthday) was obvious around school yesterday.  I normally wear black I admit, but did in the end put on a red shirt.  For the record it does not change my opinion on the while day however.  For Valentine's Dinner though I attended a catered dinner with Peter and Kathy that the Arabic church congregation was having.  I was of course welcomed with true Middle Eastern hospitality and fortunately everyone spoke English, so I could talk to people.  I have met so many fascinating and interesting people.  Everyone has their own story to tell and how they ended up in Bahrain.  40% of the population in Bahrain are actually citizens, whereas 60% have moved here from other places.  Those other places are countries in the Middle East, India and the Philippines.  It is truly a mesh of different cultures and people here.  Truly amazing! 
(I noticed some spelling errors in previous entries.  Please forgive me and ignore them.)


  1. I love your blog!It is so fun to hear all about different traditions and cultures. It also sounds like you are getting aqquainted with your new surroundings! Enjoy a Caribou and think of us here in MN!
    Miss you!

  2. It cracks me up that I cannot find a Caribou here in Ashburn but you leave the country and you find one. Too funny. Looking forward to the pics when you are able to load them and keep the blogs coming-I love reading them.
