Sunday, February 6, 2011

Miss Anna

Today was my first day of teaching.  Being that I still have some jet lag, I woke up with plenty of time to get ready.  School hours are 7am-2pm.  I am teaching 7th grade English- appropriately 7A, 7B and 7C.  During the five day school week, I will see each class seven times, so there are a few days I see the classes twice.  The schedule here will definitely take some getting used to, but no major complaints.  The students were all great...of course there is one in every class that you know will be a challenge, but I am not discouraged :)  The students are all polite and we spent a great portion of class time today getting to know each other.  None of them knew where Minnesota was, as they always think New York, California or Disney World when they think of the States.  they asked me all kinds of questions including whether or not I was married, my age and one even asked if this was my real hair color :)  They remind me of students in the States, as we talked movies, music, games etc.  From my teaching experience the only difference so far is that they wear school uniforms.  They call teachers by their first names, so I am Ms. Anna, although today I was simply Miss.  I love how they say it though.  I am teaching what one would expect in a language arts class-  literature, grammar, reading, writing etc.  They use an American textbook, so I am familiar.  They all even seemed to put up with my sense of humor and I guess that is a good thing!   Will post more later :) 

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that all is going very well. WE certainly will miss you here!!!

    Enjoy this experience!

