Friday, February 4, 2011

Tourist Anna

Today was a busy day, but I got to play tourist before starting work.  As I previously mentioned, the weekend in Bahrain is Friday and Saturday, so today (Friday) I went to church.  There are many service options here and the one I tried today was a contemporary English speaking service.  It was truly an experience though, because there were so many people of different nationalities worshiping together.  There were people from Africa, India, other parts of the Middle East, Canada, United States and of course local Bahraini's.  I met a lot of people after the service many of who work/teach at the school I am starting at.  Everyone was so welcoming and I have not felt any homesickness yet.  I suppose it will hit me one day when I least expect you.  Fortunately I have been busy and have not had time to dwell on home.  Not that I do not miss everyone.  Let me stress I miss people...not the weather.  I promise not to gloat about the weather every time I write :)

Anyway, after church today Peter and Kathy took me to lunch at the BAPCO Club (Bahrain Petroleum Company).  It is outside the city of Manama in Awali.  It was nice to leave the city and see the desert and some scenery.  Lunch was a delicious buffet that included American food options, as well as Indian and local fare.  After lunch we continued to head south and visited the Tree of Life.  It is indeed a tourist spot and is basically a tree standing alone in the middle of the desert.  Local inhabitants believe it marks the location of the Garden of Eden.  I hope to post pics please bear with me.  While driving through the desert I saw the local campgrounds.  During the winter months Bahraini's rent areas/plots of land, which in reality are like campsites...yet different.  For those familiar they are several bedouin tents grouped together.  Families go there on weekends to spend time together and to simply enjoy the desert.  Note, I said they do this during the winter months...because in the summer it is just too hot.  It is all very interesting and I just enjoyed looking out the window while driving and observing.  I just love people watching and there is so much of that to do here.  Tomorrow, I will get serious and work on some lesson plans and then start teaching on Sunday.  I may not get to write for a few days, but I will as soon as I can.  Thanks for reading :)


  1. Anna I am so happy to hear you are there safely and am enjoying reading about your adventure. Look forward to some pix -- esp of the Tree of Life! XX

  2. The Important question is...Is there an Applebees in Bahrain???

  3. Hey there! This may make it even nicer there-Monday the temps are going to plunge to 10 degrees! Enjoy the beach!! Love hearing about your adventures!

  4. Anna! It sounds amazing and I am glad you are loving it so far! I look forward to pictures and more tales of your adventures! Much love :)
    -Liz Ackerson
