Thursday, February 24, 2011

Back to School

After having no school last Thursday or on Sunday and being in the apartment all weekend, it was nice getting back to school on Monday.  It was great teaching again and feeling I have a purpose and also so great to see my students again.  I missed them over the long weekend.  To most the current conflict is the first they would have seen and experienced in their life.  Many are confused as to why it is happening and do not understand.  Others have family members who participated in demonstrations and protests.  The school has both staff and students who are on both sides of the issue.  We had a staff meeting this week, where it was brought up that the important thing is to be there for our students.  Differences must be put aside here and learning is the primary goal.  I have not written a lot about what exactly is going because I do not want to be accused of taking a side.  There are people in Bahrain who are unhappy with the current way of life and others that are happy.  I will say, like many countries, the conflicts in Bahrain have been a long time coming.
After I wrote last time I did not do a lot, which is why I have not written in a week.  The weekend was spent inside reading and watching movies.  You know I love movies, but when the weather is so nice outside and you are inside 24/7 in a new place...I just wanted to get out and explore.  I did finally move into my apartment on Sunday afternoon.  Things had settled down and I figured why not?  My place is a three minute walk or so from the school and maybe five minutes to where I was staying with Peter and Kathy.  I am in the same area though, so that is nice.  Many people have wondered how far I am from the Pearl Monument where a lot of things are happening.  I am about 1.3 miles, which does not seem like a lot, but remember when you are on an island that is only 13 or so miles wide, it is.  Also with roads the way they are and the roundabout ways you have to take to get places, it really is not that close.  So, no worries.  My apartment is really nice and came with the job.  It is meant for two people with two bedrooms and two bathrooms, but there were no teachers who needed it this year, so it is my own place :)  There is also a living room area and a nice size kitchen for all the cooking you know I do...ramen and mac n' cheese anyone?  There are two other teachers who have apartments on the same floor, so I know people nearby.
If all goes well I should have my CPR residence card next week...fingers crossed.  That means I will be able to get internet access in my apartment.  That will be really nice.  I am currently writing this in the teacher's lounge which has three computers.  It is nice to have, but it is anyone's guess when you will be able to use one of them.  I suppose no one else needs it an hour before the end of the school day on a "Friday"...well my Friday anyway...that is the one thing I do not think I will get used to.  The value of money is slowly coming to me, but it is still confusing.  1 Dinar equals around $2.66.  1000 Fils is equal to 1 Dinar.  I know you got it :)  I will end up after my time here with a bunch of change to get rid of, I just know it.  Oh well...
That is pretty much my last week in a nutshell...hardly as exciting as my first two weeks here.  Like I said the most exciting thing this week was being able to go back to school/work.  We have had a four day week and I pray that next week things continue to run as normal.  My thoughts were with my MN peeps this week, when I heard they got 13 inches of snow.  It continues to be gorgeous weather here ranging between 68-78 degrees. We have had a few days of 80 degree weather also.  It is definitely starting to get warmer though and I am not complaining.  Well, I will sign off for now.  Greetings to you all and have a great weekend...whenever it begins!


  1. just curious, why such a short contract? are you covering someone? or did you just want a mini adventure?

  2. And of course the most important question... Any cute men out there? :D
