Thursday, February 10, 2011

One Week

I have officially been in Bahrain a week (give or take a day) and I just wrapped up my first week of school.  Now it is the weekend, although here TGIF does not have the same excitement, as Thursday is Friday.  I suppose I could say TGIT...but for some reason it does not have the same ring to it.  I am settling into a school routine.  It is weird because I have different class periods I teach every day and some days I teach four classes and some days I teach five.  Some days I see one of my classes two different times.  Also, each day has different period lengths.  Not sure if I will memorize the schedule, but I have one right near my desk. Regardless of the schedule, I am really enjoying my classes and teaching.  Granted only one week down, but being that I want to return next week...I think that is a good thing.  As most of you know 7th grade can be so difficult (puberty and what not) regardless of where you are in the world.  I do enjoy my students though.  They are great :)
When the school day ends, usually it is time to eat.  I believe I previously mentioned that they eat one big meal a day here, mid-afternoon.  After eating I have been walking around with Peter and/or Kathy.  I am still living with them.  The plan was to move into my apartment this weekend, but I may postpone it a bit longer.  I do not have my Work Visa yet and I need that to get internet in my until that goes through, I would rather stay somewhere with internet access.  Not that their company is not good also.  For the record I have also tried uploading pics a few time...and it always takes so long that I cancel.  Hopefully if I find a time when not a lot of other people are on the internet (middle of the night) it will work.  Please be patient. I would like to think the wait will be worth it.
While walking, I am seeing Manama (for those who do not know that is where I am living- the capital of Bahrain).  It is not a big place.  While walking through a mall yesterday, I came across a Pearl Museum.  It was very simple and only one room, but a museum nonetheless.  Peter and Kathy have a book that has 50 things to see/do in Bahrain.  I am aiming to do a lot of them over the next five months.  A lot of places you should see/do when it is not overly hot yet, which makes since.  Come late May/early June it will get to the low 90s I am told.  Today, it was 68 degrees (which it has been averaging around).  I walk around in short sleeves and the locals are bundled wearing earmuffs.  I cannot help but laugh.
One of my walks this week was through the old Souk.  I love looking at the different stands that vary from antiques to toys, towels, food etc.  It brought me back to another Jerusalem memory.  A lot of shopkeepers of course tried to entice me to buy things(obviously I am a foreigner), but I just shake my head and say "La shukron" which is no thank you.  While I feel safe walking around here alone, the Souk is probably not the place to go alone nonetheless.  I have never been good at bartering and would have no idea what a good price is for things.
Not sure what the plan for the weekend is, although I will probably go over to my apartment and clean the floors.  There is so much dirt/dust here.  It is a habit now to take my shoes off when I enter a home, so when I went to my apartment the other day I socks ended up black.  Some cleaning needs to be done for sure, although it was recently painted, so that is nice.  I will sign off for now.  Missing you all!


  1. It's funny I always felt safe in the Jerusalem old city (in the daytime). probably my youth and feeling of invulnerability

  2. I know...I always felt safe there...maybe because we were used to it. Then I got older and now...I feel like all the men are looking at me. It is daunting.

  3. Glad to hear that your first week has gone well. I am always waiting to hear about your new adventures. Take care!
