Friday, February 18, 2011


I felt I should give you all an update, just in case you are not on Facebook.  I am safe and am not worried.  Yes, things have happened here and sadly people have been killed.  However, depending where you are in the city, it looks like any other day.  I am being more cautious and aware of my surroundings, but still walk around the neighborhood.  Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.  I know some of you are wondering why I am not coming home. goes on amid such tragedies.  I am familiar with this environment from living in Jerusalem for nine years.  You never knew what could happen from day to day.  I suppose when other Americans and foreigners leave, then it may be an option, but right now people are just carrying on with their lives.  That is the important thing to do.
We did not have school on Thursday.  Classes were cancelled since only a small amount of students showed up.  I guess in true Anna fashion, I am not afraid or scared....but rather annoyed.  This is my time away from Minnesota.  I do not want to sit and twiddle my thumbs.  I have teaching to do and experiences to have :)  With that being said...the weather here continues to be fantastic.  If I were to leave now, I would have to return to Minnesota winter and I would like to avoid that.
After I wrote my last entry I was able to go and visit the Bahrain National Museum.  It was very interesting and I learned a lot about the history of the country.  Did you know that Bahrain was the first country in the Middle East/Gulf to discover oil?  The exhibits were well done and fascinating.  Of course I took many pictures.  I attended Arabic church last night.  Everyone is very welcoming and their was a translator so I was not completely unaware what was going on.  Plus, some songs were sung that I knew, so I sang in English along with Arabic.  As I previously mentioned there are so many different church services to attend here and I enjoy trying them out.  I feel it is all part of the experience.
After school on Wednesday I had to go to the clinic for a physical...just another step in order to get my CPR card (residency).  Fortunately, no blood was taken as I am not good at that.  Basically it was blood pressure, eye exam, height, weight and a chest x-ray. The chest x-ray was the big one.   Hopefully I pass and now we await the results.  I may actually be a resident able to work by the time I leave in July :)  Again, thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.  I will keep you all posted, but I am fine and feel safe.  Would love to hear from all of you as well, so drop me a line via Facebook. e-mail or comment here on the blog. 

1 comment:

  1. Twiddle your thumbs?! Anna! Going to the grocery story must be entirely different. I don't think it's possible...twiddle your thumbs. LOL What an amazing time you're having. BTW we're to get an amazing, deep, heavy snowfall in MSP today. Savor every moment in Bahrain--even the mundane. Best wishes.
