Thursday, June 30, 2011

10 Things I WILL MISS about Bahrain!

Again, these are in no particular order :)

1) Peter and Kathy Kapenga.  They are the reason I had this adventure.  Who knew by writing at the bottom of a Christmas card, "do you by any chance need any teachers?" would become this amazing experience.  They have been like second parents to me since I was six-years-old and I am thankful that they are a part of my life.  So, thank you very much Peter and Kathy.
2) Victoria.  I have made so many great friends while in Bahrain, but Victoria gets a specific mention because she's not only become a great friend, but she is also a terrific floor mate (she had the flat across the hall from).  We had some great late night chats and she was always one to check on me if I was sick.  She waited with me when I expected a water delivery from the cold store, so that I was not alone with freaky cold store guy.  Not to mention that she helped me when a 5 gallon water container leaked all over my floor.  She was great for taking walks around the neighborhood with and I am proud to say I introduced her to Dairy Queen and bought her her first blizzard!
3) Mariam.  She is another friend who gets a specific mention because she and her husband Jihad took time every weekend to drive me around Bahrain.  The mission was to see all the sites on my tourist list and thanks to them I was successful.  They were fun to hang out with as well as their four-year-old twins.  I wish them luck as they start their new life in Wales.
4) FRIENDS.  I wish that I could name everyone that has impacted my life and become important to me while I was in Bahrain.  I just hope you know who you are....there are so many of you.  I am grateful for the friendship everyone gave me and how welcoming everyone was.  So many terrific memories and friendships that will last a lifetime.  Thank you and I will miss you!
5) My Flat.  As many of you know back home I live with my parents due to unemployment etc.  I am not complaining because I love them and am okay with it.  It is just that in Bahrain I had my own flat for almost five months and it was great.  I could put what I wanted in the fridge, arrange furniture my way...simply I had my own place and it was nice to come home to every day.
6) A Job.  To know where I was going everyday was terrific (as opposed to day to day subbing).  I loved that I had my own classroom and a regular routine.  I hope and pray that I find the same thing back home for the Fall.
7) Steady Income.  Along with #6 is a steady income.  It was nice knowing I was going to get paid every month and know the amount it would be.  It was nice not stressing about paying for health insurance and having to live from paycheck to paycheck.  Another nice sense of normalcy.
8) My Students.  I love teaching 7th grade!  For every crazy day there were two days when I remembered why I love being a teacher.  My students were terrific and even though I had to yell a few times....I really will miss them.  I wish them success in eighth grade :)
9) The Food.  So many different types of food here and all delicious.  From Indian to Lebanese, from Arabic/Middle Eastern to Thai, Chinese and Phillipino...there was always something new to try.  I will miss the convenience of the different choices.
10) Food Delivery.  So many varieties of food and all are available to be delivered to your door.  I know in the States we can have pizza or Chinese food delivered, but in Bahrain every restaurant from KFC, DQ, McDonald's etc is available to you.  Each restaurant has a little motorbike for food delivery.  I love how they zoom in and out of traffic.  I have used this convenience a few times and it is great. 

These are by no means the only 10 things I will miss, but they are the things that come to mind as being different for me.  Bahrain was my home for five months and it will be an important part of my life I always look back.  I have so many stories to share and I cannot wait!

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