Friday, June 24, 2011

More Fun Times!

There were no students this past week, nor are there any next week.  It is literally go hang out at school and do nothing.  At least I am getting paid.  Plus, a lot of socializing is getting done.  Despite the boredom the week flew by and I kept busy.  We do get to go to work a half hour later and leave a half hour earlier, which makes a little difference.  On Tuesday, we had an English department party/farewell.  I am one of four English teachers leaving this year and it was nice because we got a gift certificate to a spa.  I will be using that sometime next week.  It was much appreciated considering I have only been here for half the school year.  I also went to see the movie "Super 8" with some friends after school one day.
Wednesday night I went to Senor Paco's Mexican Restaurant with four other teachers from school.  It was a fun evening of margaritas, hanging out and eating.  My friend Amabel kind of fibbed and told the restaurant it was my birthday- so I got to wear a sombrero.  I also got a dessert and a t-shirt out of the deal.  Just more terrific memories to leave Bahrain with.  We went dancing afterwards.  Yes, it was a school night, but it was one teacher's last night in Bahrain, so we just wanted to keep having fun.  I was indeed tired the next day, but being that there was not much going on, it was okay.  On Thursday after school I went to Chili's with some other friends.  I have made so many terrific friends here in Bahrain and have made new friendships that will last the distance once I depart.  The people I have met here is one of the things that I will surely miss when I get back home.  I attended Arabic church last night for the last time, so that was another group of people to say goodbye to.  They were such a welcoming congregation and for that I am grateful. Today I had lunch at the British Club with Peter and Kathy.  They truly are my second parents and I am so fortunate to have had them nearby should I need them.
In six days I leave Bahrain and head back to Minnesota.  There is a lot I have planned for these last days, not to mention packing and cleaning up my flat.  Time at one point seemed to drag on, but now it is passing quickly.  You all know that I am anxious to return home and see family and friends, yet I know that I will miss the temporary life that I had in Bahrain.  My life is forever changed because of what I experienced here, both bad and good.   I cannot wait to share stories with everyone in person....not to mention pictures.  I believe the picture count is currently at 2400 and keep in mind there are still a few days left :)   

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