Sunday, June 19, 2011

More Fun in Bahrain...and some boring moments.

Exams wrapped up today, although I was in fact done correcting mine a week ago.  After that I had to proctor two exams, but then my duties were done.  Students basically showed up for an hour and a half exam each day and then left.  With my duties being done, it is now the case where I have to come to work and sit and wait....and pretty much find things to keep me busy.  My classroom has been taken apart and requirements for next year turned in.  Even though I am not teaching here next year, I had to write up a course decsription and a year plan.  That took a while, but now I am realising maybe I shouldn't have rushed to finish it so quickly.  I just like being organized and don't think about the later, which in this case constitutes boredom.  So exams are done and students are finished.  Staff and teachers have to be here through June 30th, so that means only seven more days of school/work.  Or lack thereof :)  Of course that means only 10 days until I depart for home!
Now that I have gotten some complaining out of the way, I suppose I should also write that I am having fun as well.  Last weekend I walked through the suq again.  I did not buy anything, but just have fun walking through and looking at things.  Shopkeepers throwing items at me and trying to get me to buy things does not even phase me anymore.  I also went back to Adhari Park last weekend with my friend Mariam and her sons.  The boys wanted to go on some rides, so we watched them while chatting.  I also got to see Bahrain nightlife last weekend.  With friends (and other teachers) Amabel, Kent and Leo I hit the town.  We started the evening at Trader Vic's for drinks and apps.  We sat by the water and there was actually a little breeze, considering the heat.  After that we went to JJs Irish Pub for some dancing.  It was a fun evening that lasted until the morning.  I believe I got to bed about 3:30am, but it was a great night.  It's great having friends to do different things with.
I have started packing actually.  Well one of my bags anyway.  I figured with all the clothes that I have not worn since I arrived due to the heat could be packed with some gifts and souvenirs.  Now I just need to track down a scale or try to estimate how much it weighs.  For the most part all of my shopping is done and I will be ready to go when the day arrives.  The last day of school (30th) there is a staff farewell lunch, so I will at least have a chance to say goodbye to everyone.  There are many reasons why I am not returning to Bahrain, but there are also so many things I will miss.  Foremost the people I have met and friends I have made. Of course also the students I have taught.  Thank goodness for e-mail and Facebook :)

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