Tuesday, June 28, 2011

10 Things I will Not Miss About Bahrain! (do not worry, the things I will miss list will follow)

Please keep in mind that these are in no random order and do not reflect my general opinion on Bahrain, which is positive.  These are merely small things that I will not miss.

1) People spitting anywhere and everywhere.  While walking to school everyday it was a game to try and avoid stepping in any spit and believe me, it was difficult.
2) Being honked at all the time.  Just because I am blond and Caucasian does not mean, "Please come pick me up.  I am available."
3) Children and babies riding in the front seat of the car.  Not sure what the laws are, but one would hope there would be one that prevented your toddler from hanging out the window in the front seat.  Of course the fact that parents do not seem to mind also worries me.
4) Driving. People drive fast and crazy here and honking is incessant.  The light has not turned green and horns are blaring.
5) (Along with #4)  As a pedestrian I often feared for my life due to the crazy driving.  Pedestrians do not have right of way here and sometimes it would take a while for a car to stop to let me cross (even in a crosswalk).
6) Roundabouts.  Bahrain has some 100 plus roundabouts.  One would think they are convenient, but really not.  If you want to turn left off a road you have to drive to the next roundabout, turn around and head back to the road.  Adds unnecessary time to your journey.
7) Poor service at restaurants.  I may never complain back in the States again over bad service because here....there is not often any service.  The restaurants you may get a drink refill?  Good luck.  You want some more napkins?  Too bad.
8) Clothing/attire.  Since I arriving I have discovered that one can wear a tank top if you want to.  Although it is still a pain because you need to be selective of when to wear it and do you really want everyone staring at you anyway?  Needless to say I am returning home with a farmer's tan.
9) Paying for drinking water.  I have never been one to complain about drinking tap water in the past....and now I will return home and appreciate it even more.  A lot of money has gone into buying water for the past five months and it is a necessity to drink a lot, especially with the heat.  Must stay hydrated.
10) Freaky cold store employees.  At first I thought it was great; place an order at the cold store, pay and they will bring the stuff to your flat.  Then one employee kept knocking on the door to my flat when I did not order anything...one time at 11 at night.  I have taken my business elsewhere.

Look for the things I will miss list tomorrow!

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