Saturday, June 11, 2011

Another Week!

While I am anxious to return home to Minnesota, I am trying to make the most of my last three weeks here.  I am keeping busy hanging out with friends.  I have made some terrific new friends and it will be hard to say goodbye.  I find that while keeping busy is more exciting than doing nothing, it also helps time pass more quickly.  I am also doing some last minute shopping and making sure that I have seen everything that I need/want to see in Bahrain.  So, what can I write about the past week?
As I mentioned in my last entry, graduation was going to be Tuesday night.  My job was to stand by the door of the auditorium and make sure that the tickets were already ripped.  Not rip them, but make sure they were already.  Talk about challenging (insert sarcasm).  Anyway, it was the quickest graduation ceremony I have ever been to at 55 minutes.  For the record I checked tickets longer than that :)  It was quick, yet a night that the graduates will remember.  Of course it reminded me of my graduation 15 years ago and I told myself that yes I have accomplished a lot since then. 
The week was spent reviewing for the final with my students.  Although being that the final is questions from tests I gave, how do you really make it any easier for them?  They grew more crazy and loud as they end of the year drew closer.  Of course I was annoyed, yet despite my annoyance I will miss all of my students a lot when I return home.  On Thursday, during the last class period it was party time in homeroom classes.  My class was very prepared and came with lots of food and goodies and music.  It was the happening place to be, as the other 7th grade students eventually joined us.  Of course when I mentioned it was time to clean up, they number decreased dramatically.  Funny how it works out like that.  My homeroom students did however do a good job of cleaning up.  I was exhausted by the end of the day, but not too exhausted.  Went with a few other teachers to the Hard Rock Cafe again for drinks and food and of course socializing.  It was a fun afternoon for sure.
Yesterday I went to get a massage, manicure and pedicure.  I try to go frequently, as it is such a good deal here.  For all three it comes to $55.  I figure one cannot beat that price and the result is good.  The plan is to go one more time before I leave.  Need to be pampered and relaxed prior to my 24 hour journey home.  Tomorrow final exams start and my students will be taking their English final.  Then I have two days to correct it and get my grades in.  Then I will have to proctor some exams over the next week and a half.  Good times for sure.  I only hope for many more good times before heading home :) 

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