Thursday, June 30, 2011

Farewell Bahrain

I leave for the airport in about an hour.  This is not my last entry.  I will definitely do another entry once I return home...this blog needs closure, especially after my 24-hour travels.  In the meantime, here is a little poem I wrote that sums up a lot of what I am feeling as I leave.

Farewell Bahrain

After five months in Bahrain,
My life will never be the same.
I saw turmoil and pain
and everyone in the world knew the country's name.

I will never forget
all the amazing people that I met.
Friendships that will last a lifetime,
Memories forever engraved in my mind.

My terrific students at times drove me crazy,
But I can certainly never call them lazy.
I taught them and they taught me,
Together we saw how life can be.

After good times and bad,
I am certainly sad to go on my way,
So long Bahrain,
My life will never be the same!

Will write more soon.

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